ecosystem art

Linda Cover is a multi-media artist, artivist, activist and educator, she moves to the heartbeat of community care and mutual aid, connecting humanity across generations and cultures through art, education, advocacy, and care for the environment. She has worked in schools and art institutions across Santa Cruz County during her career. She currently teaches, exhibits and curates in her studio at the Tannery Arts Center and holds a Downtown Santa Cruz busking license where she sells her wearable and visual art on Pacific Avenue. Linda serves on the board of the Coastal Watershed Council and Santa Cruz City Arts.

Animal Art Bingo is a place-based photographic collaborative project depicting the San Lorenzo River and the Tannery Arts Center through the format of a scavenger hunt using cameras and community participation. Capturing photographs along the scavenger hunt tour participants are encouraged to engage in their immediate environment through a game format, record, and share the experiences. Linda will also update the existing banners on the campus with fresh illustrations from her children’s Animal Art Outside classes. These weekly classes teach children to draw native animals and wildlife from observation, with an intentional focus on the native culture and ecosystem of the San Lorenzo River.